Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance

Venue: ,
Date: April 2021

Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance

Content rich. Interactive. And fun. Our virtual Summit was easily as successful as our in-person events and with a bonus of coverage in Forbes.


Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance’s (REBA) faced the prospect of cancelling their annual in-person Member Summit due to travel and distancing restrictions. Instead, they challenged us to reimagine their event and build a content-rich, interactive virtual experience, designed to be fun and engaging for their remote renewable energy buyer participants.

Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance logo


We worked closely with REBA to fine-tune their strategy and develop engaging event content. We provided design and production services to ensure the show looked and felt like an exciting, cohesive experience. The branded show was built in our Chime Live platform with features including registration management. REBA’s presenters used two of our professional, fully equipped presentation stages to film and broadcast live content, allowing for an enhanced visual journey and seamless interaction between the two studios and remote participants. To encourage better performances, we provided coaching for the presenters and sent our ‘Speaker Kits’ to remote presenters, which guaranteed optimal lighting and audio quality. The whole event was designed to be experienced live, but also available on-demand, encouraging participants to share and amplify the content through their own channels.


The virtual Member Summit proved as successful as previous in-person events. Despite being a relatively newly established organization, REBA grew their followers and the event was featured in Forbes Magazine. The Forbes feature resulted in 36,122,993 impressions and 910 shares, the ad equivalent of around $68K. This activity meant REBA significantly raised their profile within the renewable energy sector with press.

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