Global Pharmaceutical Company

Venue: ,
Date: April 2021

Global Pharma Company

Our project manager at Concise was amazing to work with. We're extremely satisfied with the service and engagement levels from Chime Live.


Our leading global pharmaceutical client holds multiple standalone events in international locations every year. For their flagship show in the Middle East, they wanted to host 300 participants for a main plenary show and six breakout sessions. The event location presented challenges, with power failures and WIFI connectivity issues a common problem. Cultural and language differences needed to be accommodated to encourage attendee interaction, ensure great participation and gather feedback on the event.


Our expertise and our focus on providing the very best consultative service meant all potential challenges were addressed pre-event and in the building of the show. Our Chime Live platform personalized the experience for each participant and provided information in multiple languages. Through Chime Live, attendees were given a voice and the means to interact and contribute to the event through real-time questions to presenters, timely polling, word clouds and feedback. We delivered a stable, secure, closed WIFI network for the event, while our on-site tech team provided participant support and handled all last-minute adjustments to presentations.


Participants’ feedback was extremely positive, backed up by Chime Live data captured and shared with our client on attendee engagement levels, their interaction with content and overall high satisfaction scores. Our client was delighted; these insights enabled them to report the event’s ROI to their leadership, identify the key successes across the day and make informed amendments to future event plans.

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