Event and Participant Data Controls

With Concise, all data you share is stored in encrypted folders, accessible only to authorized users. The security software used across our network fully protects planners, participants, presenters and the Chime LiveSM platform against known and unknown attacks. Participants are assigned a unique username and complex password to access the platform, with additional single-browser login and two-factor authentication protection as standard. Post-event, all data is managed in compliance with GDPR regulations and similar privacy protocols emerging globally. Data is securely deleted after 60 days, unless an alternative arrangement has been mutually agreed.

Secure Servers and Backups 

We are experts in Cloud security and use the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud infrastructure for our platform, protected by AWS Web Application Firewalls.  

It’s a fully protected and backed up environment. If any part of the network should fail, we can get back online swiftly. Our servers sit in multiple global regions with back-up servers to ensure there is no loss of service.  

We deploy AWS Global Acceleration, so participants anywhere in the world have the best connection experience, with service operating at 100%. 

Platform and Application Controls

We frequently add new functionality and features to our Chime Live platform. All code amends are monitored by third-party security code scanning.  

Our platform and infrastructure are scanned daily to proactively locate, identify, and assess any vulnerabilities.  

A third party is used for our annual Pen-testing with a shareable report on request. 

Working With Your IT Teams

Our highly experienced team conducts security audits for every event. We are fully equipped to discuss our working methods, our technical and internal controls in the coding environment and our robust update documentation with clients. 

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